API Guides
Error dictionary
Possible Ineligibility Reasons
Here are the reasons why holdings cannot be transferred in some cases.
Configure Transfer Errors
Error Code | Description | Level Found |
NoEligibleNetworks | None of the networks supported by Source and Target accounts can be used for the transfer. Individual reasons specifying why a particular network cannot be used may vary. | Holdings |
SymbolDoesNotMatch | The symbol that was requested for the transfer is different from the holding’s symbol | Holdings |
NotSupportedForTransferByTarget | None of the networks for that token are eligible to transfer TO the source. This is often due to the client not supporting the token for transfer. | Holdings |
NotSupportedForTransferBySource | None of the networks for that token are eligible to transfer FROM the source. This is often due to Mesh or the integration not supporting the token for transfer. | Holdings |
AmountNotSufficient | The (amount to be transferred + the gas fee) is more than the available balance | Network |
NoTargetNetworkFound | Target addresses/institution do not contain the corresponding network, so this network cannot be used for the transfer | Network |
GasFeeAssetBalanceNotEnough | The amount of the asset is sufficient, but there’s not enough balance of the gas fee’s asset (e.g. not enough ETH to send USDC) | Network |
Preview Transfer Errors
- Succeeded
- Failed
Error messages (when status = failed)
Error Code | Error Message |
NetworkIdMissing | (TransferToAddress.NetworkId) field was not provided. |
AddressMissing | (TransferToAddress.Address) field was not provided. |
SymbolMissing | (TransferToAddress.Symbol) field was not provided. |
UnsupportedSymbolByNetwork | Network does not currently support the requested symbol. |
InvalidAddressPattern | Target address does not match network '' address pattern. |
NetworkNotFound | Network not found. |
NetworkDisabled | Network '' is currently disabled and cannot be used. |
InsufficientFunds | Insufficient '' funds. |
InsufficientFeeFunds | Insufficient '' funds for transfer fees. |
EmptyWalletSymbolBalance | Source wallet '' balance is empty. |
KycRequired | The provided '' account requires KYC to be completed to perform transfers. |
DepositAmountTooLow | The requested amount is lower than the minimum amount that can be accepted by the target institution. |
WrongPreviewRequestFromAuthTokenMissing | (PreviewTransferRequest.FromAuthToken) is a mandatory field and should be provided. |
WrongPreviewRequestNoSymbol | (PreviewTransferRequest.Symbol) is a mandatory field and should be provided. |
WrongPreviewRequestInvalidToAuthToken | (PreviewTransferRequest.ToAuthToken) is invalid. |
WrongPreviewRequestToData | Either (PreviewTransferRequest.ToAuthToken) with (PreviewTransferRequest.ToType) or (PreviewTransferRequest.ToAddress) should be provided. |
WrongPreviewRequestAmount | Both (PreviewTransferRequest.AmountInFiat) and (PreviewTransferRequest.Amount) can not be provided. |
WrongPreviewRequestNoAmount | Either (PreviewTransferRequest.AmountInFiat) or (PreviewTransferRequest.Amount) should be provided. |
WrongPreviewRequestUnsupportedSymbolBySourceWallet | Symbol to transfer not supported by the source wallet over the requested network. |
WrongPreviewRequestUnsupportedSymbolByTargetWallet | Symbol to transfer not supported by the target wallet over the requested network. |
WrongPreviewRequestNetwork | Requested network is not supported by the source wallet. |
PriceNotFound | Could not fetch '' price. |
AmountMoreThanWithdrawMaximum | Could not preview the transfer. The requested amount (previewRequest.Amount) (requestDto.Request.Symbol) is greater than the maximum allowed amount (minimumMaximumAmount.WithdrawMaximumAmount requestDto.Request.Symbol). |
AmountLessThanWithdrawMinimum | Could not preview the transfer. The requested amount (previewRequest.Amount) (requestDto.Request.Symbol) is below the minimum allowable threshold (minimumMaximumAmount.WithdrawMinimumAmount requestDto.Request.Symbol). |
Execute Transfer Errors
- Succeeded
- Failed
- MfaRequired
- EmailConfirmationRequired
- DeviceConfirmationRequired
- MfaFailed
- AddressWhitelistRequired
Error messages (when status = failed)
Error Code | Error Message |
PreviewExpired | The preview is expired. |
TransferIsRequested | The transfer is already requested. |
PreviewNotFound | Could not find the preview. |
AddressNotRegistered | The target address is not registered. |