
Mesh Link UI offers an event tracking system, allowing you to gain insights into user interactions within the Link UI. These events can be used for analytics and understanding user behavior. The event data can be obtained directly from the SDKs and includes various user actions, such as initiating a connection, completing authentication, completing an asset transfer, or encountering errors.

The way in which these events are captured and transmitted varies slightly across different platforms (Web, iOS, Android, and React Native). For detailed instructions, see the page for your specific platform.

List of Events

Event TypeDescription of OccurrencePayload Details
pageLoadedTriggered when the Link UI page is fully loaded.No additional payload.
integrationSelectedTriggered when a user selects an integration from the list.- integrationType: Type of the integration<>- integrationName: Name of the selected integration
credentialsEnteredOccurs when a user enters credentials in the Link UI.No additional payload. Indicates that credentials were entered.
integrationMfaRequiredTriggered when MFA required to connect integration.No additional payload.
integrationMfaEnteredTriggered when user enters MFA code to connect integration.No additional payload. Indicates that MFA code were entered.
integrationOAuthStartedTriggered when OAuth connection flow started.No additional payload.
integrationAccountSelectionRequiredTriggered when account selection page showed.No additional payload.
integrationConnectedOccurs when a user successfully connects to an integration.- LinkPayload: Details about the connected integration.
integrationConnectionErrorFired when there’s an error in connecting to an integration.- errorMessage: Descriptive error message.
transferStartedFired at the initiation of a financial transfer.No additional payload. Indicates the start of a transfer.
transferAssetSelectedFired when user selects asset to transfer.- symbol: Currency symbol.
transferNetworkSelectedFired when user selects network to transfer.- id: Selected network identifier name: Selected network name
transferAmountEnteredFired when user enters amount to transfer.No additional payload.
transferPreviewedTriggered when a user previews the details of a pending transfer.- amount: Transfer amount<>- symbol: Currency symbol<>- toAddress: Destination address<>- networkId: Network identifier<>- previewId: Unique ID for the preview<>- networkName (optional): Name of the network<>- amountInFiat (optional): Amount in fiat currency<>- estimatedNetworkGasFee (optional): Object containing fee details
transferPreviewErrorOccurs when there is an error in previewing a transfer.- errorMessage: Descriptive error message.
transferMfaRequiredTriggered when MFA required to perform the transfer.No additional payload.
transferMfaEnteredTriggered when user enters MFA code to perform the transfer.No additional payload.
transferKycRequiredTriggered when KYC flow needed to perform the transfer.No additional payload.
transferCompletedHappens when a financial transfer is successfully completed.- TransferFinishedPayload: Details about the completed transfer.
transferExecutionErrorFired when there is an error in executing a transfer.- errorMessage: Descriptive error message.
connectionUnavailableTriggered when a timeout occurred on clicking a deep link (CTA Continue) on a DeFi wallet connect page on mobile, most likely because the DeFi wallet app is not intalled on the device.- ConnectionUnavailable: integration name and type, the reason.
connectionDeclinedTriggered when an error occurred on connecting a DeFi wallet on mobile or in a browser due to either a user rejected connection or a network switch.- ConnectionDeclined: integration name and type, reason, network ID, destination address, error message.
transferDeclinedTriggered when an error occurred on a Transfer Preview page on mobile or in a browser due to a user rejected the transfer or a transfer failed.- TransferDeclined: integration name and type, network, destination address, token, amount, status: [‘declined’, ‘failed’]