Sandbox Environment
Learn about the Sandbox environment, its features, limitations, and how to use it for API testing.
What is the Sandbox?
The Sandbox is a dedicated testing environment that allows clients to integrate and interact with our APIs in a safe and controlled manner. It is designed to mirror the Production environment as closely as possible, providing a realistic experience without real-world consequences.
This environment enables developers and testers to explore our platform, validate their integrations, and troubleshoot issues without relying on live third-party services. Instead, the Sandbox uses mocked data to simulate real-world responses.
Key Features of the Sandbox
- Isolated Execution – Runs in a separate application to prevent interference with Production.
- Mocked Data – Simulated responses replace real third-party integrations.
- Dedicated Endpoint – Access the Sandbox API at:
- Safe Testing Environment – Ideal for testing API integrations and workflows before moving to Production.
Limitations of the Sandbox
Mocked Third-Party Integrations
- All third-party integrations (e.g., payment providers, asset pricing, etc.) return simulated responses rather than real-time data.
- Asset prices are hardcoded and do not reflect real market values.
Self-Custody Wallets Not Available
- Sandbox does not support self-custody wallets yet.
No Real Transactions
- Since the environment does not interact with actual third-party services, any financial transactions, API calls, or data exchanges are simulated.
Performance Differences
- Performance may vary slightly compared to Prod, due to testing loads and mocked data responses.
Who Should Use the Sandbox?
✅ Developers & Engineers – Validating API integrations and troubleshooting issues.
✅ Quality Assurance Teams – Testing workflows before Production deployment.
✅ Product Teams – Understanding platform behavior and testing use cases.
Getting Started
The easiest and quickest way to get started is through our Interactive Demos. Try various Mesh products without any set up or touching “real” assets as shown below,
Alternatively, you can start interacting with various Sandbox endpoints following the API reference
Create Sandbox API keys:
- Create a new key in your Dashboard
Use the Dedicated API Endpoint:
Authenticate Using API Credentials:
- Use the newly created Sandbox API keys, separate from your Production credentials.
Test Your Integration:
- Execute API calls, validate responses, and ensure your application behaves as expected.
Move to Production:
- Once testing is complete, update your integration to point to the Production API.