Get the list of networks and tokens eligible for a transfer, based on the provided request data.

Transfers can be configured either from one connected account to another connected account, or
from a connected account to any arbitrary address or addresses.

  • From one connected account to another connected account:

    The API client provides FromAuthToken that is representing the source account and ToAuthToken that is representing the target account. Front API maps networks and tokens supported by both accounts and returns all tokens and networks eligible for a transfer as the result.

  • From a connected account to any arbitrary address:

    The API client provides FromAuthToken that is representing the source account and the list of target addresses using the ToAddresses field. Front API verifies the addresses and returns the list of tokens, eligible to be transferred as the result of the operation.

    Returns the list of holdings on the account that can be used to perform the transfer. Each holdings item
    contains the list of supported networks that can be used to transfer the corresponding asset.
    Each network contains details such as gas fees and the amount eligible to be transferred.
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