Configure transfer
Get the list of networks and tokens eligible for a transfer, based on the provided request data.
Transfers can be configured either from one connected account to another connected account, or from a connected account to any arbitrary address or addresses.
- From one connected account to another connected account:
The API client provides FromAuthToken
that is representing the source account and ToAuthToken
that is representing the target account. Front API maps networks and tokens supported by both accounts and returns all tokens and networks eligible for a transfer as the result.
- From a connected account to any arbitrary address:
The API client provides FromAuthToken
that is representing the source account and the list of target addresses using the ToAddresses
field. Front API verifies the addresses and returns the list of tokens, eligible to be transferred as the result of the operation.
Returns the list of holdings on the account that can be used to perform the transfer. Each holdings item contains the list of supported networks that can be used to transfer the corresponding asset. Each network contains details such as gas fees and the amount eligible to be transferred.
Contact Mesh to get client Secret
Contact Mesh to get client Id
The authentication token to send assets from.
The type of the integration to send assets from.
, eTrade
, alpaca
, tdAmeritrade
, weBull
, stash
, interactiveBrokers
, public
, coinbase
, kraken
, coinbasePro
, cryptoCom
, openSea
, binanceUs
, gemini
, cryptocurrencyAddress
, cryptocurrencyWallet
, okCoin
, bittrex
, kuCoin
, etoro
, cexIo
, binanceInternational
, bitstamp
, gateIo
, acorns
, okx
, bitFlyer
, coinlist
, huobi
, bitfinex
, deFiWallet
, krakenDirect
, vanguard
, binanceInternationalDirect
, bitfinexDirect
, bybit
, paxos
, coinbasePrime
, btcTurkDirect
, kuCoinDirect
, okxOAuth
, paribuDirect
, robinhoodConnect
, blockchainCom
, bitsoDirect
, binanceConnect
, binanceOAuth
, revolutConnect
, binancePay
, bybitDirect
, paribuOAuth
The authentication token of the target integration. Can be used alternatively to the list of requested address (toAddresses
If used, toType
should also be provided.
The type of the target integration to send assets to. Used along with the toAuthToken
alternatively to toAddresses
, eTrade
, alpaca
, tdAmeritrade
, weBull
, stash
, interactiveBrokers
, public
, coinbase
, kraken
, coinbasePro
, cryptoCom
, openSea
, binanceUs
, gemini
, cryptocurrencyAddress
, cryptocurrencyWallet
, okCoin
, bittrex
, kuCoin
, etoro
, cexIo
, binanceInternational
, bitstamp
, gateIo
, acorns
, okx
, bitFlyer
, coinlist
, huobi
, bitfinex
, deFiWallet
, krakenDirect
, vanguard
, binanceInternationalDirect
, bitfinexDirect
, bybit
, paxos
, coinbasePrime
, btcTurkDirect
, kuCoinDirect
, okxOAuth
, paribuDirect
, robinhoodConnect
, blockchainCom
, bitsoDirect
, binanceConnect
, binanceOAuth
, revolutConnect
, binancePay
, bybitDirect
, paribuOAuth
A list of available addresses provided by the API client. The list can contain all supported addresses by the client. Front API validates the addresses and returns the list of supported tokens and networks as the result of the operation.
If provided, Front API returns only networks that support transferring of this symbol.
If provided, Front API configures the response to only return holdings with enough amount of this crypto for the transfer
If provided, Front API configures the response to only contain holdings with enough value (converted to fiat) for the transfer.
Fiat currency that is to get corresponding converted fiat values of transfer and fee amounts. If not provided, defaults to USD
If provided, from API configures the response to include the requested network only.
Specifies if all the fees are included in the amount to transfer.
, serverFailure
, permissionDenied
, badRequest
, notFound
, conflict
, tooManyRequest
, locked
, unavailableForLegalReasons
A message generated by the API
User-friendly display message that can be presented to the end user
Strictly-typed error type that is explaining the reason of an unsuccessful status of the operation. All possible error types are available in the documentation.