Get transfers initiated by Mesh
Get cryptocurrency transfers initiated by Mesh on exchanges or self-custody wallets.
Contact Front to get client Secret
Contact Front to get client Id
Query Parameters
Number of items to return. Default 10, maximum - 100.
Number of items to skip.
Mesh transfer identifier.
Client transaction identifier.
Client's user identifier.
Transfered integration.
Transfer statuses.
, succeeded
, failed
Transfer created minimum timestamp.
Transfer created maximum timestamp.
Minimum amount in fiat.
Maximum amount in fiat.
Order by column.
, clientTransferId
, userId
, fromType
, amountInFiat
, status
, createdTimestamp
Value indicating if ordering is descending.
, serverFailure
, permissionDenied
, badRequest
, notFound
, conflict
, tooManyRequest
, locked
A message generated by the API
User-friendly display message that can be presented to the end user
Strictly-typed error type that is explaining the reason of an unsuccessful status of the operation. All possible error types are available in the documentation.