Refresh auth token
Refresh auth token of the connected institution. Some institutions do not require tokens to be refreshed.
The following institutions require custom flows:
WeBull: AuthToken should be provided along with the RefreshToken
Vanguard: security settings may activate MFA, requiring user action. If MFA is triggered, a second refresh request should be sent. Second request should contain MFA code and access token obtained from initial response
Contact Mesh to get client Secret
Contact Mesh to get client Id
, eTrade
, alpaca
, tdAmeritrade
, weBull
, stash
, interactiveBrokers
, public
, coinbase
, kraken
, coinbasePro
, cryptoCom
, openSea
, binanceUs
, gemini
, cryptocurrencyAddress
, cryptocurrencyWallet
, okCoin
, bittrex
, kuCoin
, etoro
, cexIo
, binanceInternational
, bitstamp
, gateIo
, acorns
, okx
, bitFlyer
, coinlist
, huobi
, bitfinex
, deFiWallet
, krakenDirect
, vanguard
, binanceInternationalDirect
, bitfinexDirect
, bybit
, paxos
, coinbasePrime
, btcTurkDirect
, kuCoinDirect
, okxOAuth
, paribuDirect
, robinhoodConnect
, blockchainCom
, bitsoDirect
, binanceConnect
, binanceOAuth
, revolutConnect
, binancePay
, bybitDirect
, paribuOAuth
Optional, used when we the refresh token should be refreshed. Currently this flow is supported by TD Ameritrade
Some institutions may require accessToken to be provided as well. It's currently required by WeBull and Vanguard
Currently used to update WeBull trade token.
Optional, currently used by Vanguard if account has enforced MFA enabled.
Additional metadata
, serverFailure
, permissionDenied
, badRequest
, notFound
, conflict
, tooManyRequest
, locked
, unavailableForLegalReasons
A message generated by the API
User-friendly display message that can be presented to the end user
Strictly-typed error type that is explaining the reason of an unsuccessful status of the operation. All possible error types are available in the documentation.