Authenticate user's account
Authenticate user’s brokerage/exchange account programmatically (not using the Web Catalog UI)
Contact Mesh to get client Secret
Contact Mesh to get client Id
Query Parameters
Id of the end-user
, eTrade
, alpaca
, tdAmeritrade
, weBull
, stash
, interactiveBrokers
, public
, coinbase
, kraken
, coinbasePro
, cryptoCom
, openSea
, binanceUs
, gemini
, cryptocurrencyAddress
, cryptocurrencyWallet
, okCoin
, bittrex
, kuCoin
, etoro
, cexIo
, binanceInternational
, bitstamp
, gateIo
, acorns
, okx
, bitFlyer
, coinlist
, huobi
, bitfinex
, deFiWallet
, krakenDirect
, vanguard
, binanceInternationalDirect
, bitfinexDirect
, bybit
, paxos
, coinbasePrime
, btcTurkDirect
, kuCoinDirect
, okxOAuth
, paribuDirect
, robinhoodConnect
, blockchainCom
, bitsoDirect
, binanceConnect
, binanceOAuth
, revolutConnect
, binancePay
, bybitDirect
, paribuOAuth
, payPalConnect
Used to provide answers to security questions
, email
, totp
, phoneAndEmail
, requireNextSecurityQuestion
, readEmail
, face
, tradingPin
, qrCode
, password
, roaming
, mobile
, mfaFlow
, faceVerification
, createAPIKey
, loginQrCode
Indicates whether the sensitive fields in this request are encrypted. When set to true, the following fields should be encrypted using Base64 encoding:
- Username
- Password
- Phone
- TradePin
- ChallengeAnswer
- MfaCode
- DeviceInfo
- ConfirmationEmail
Base64 encoding is used to encode these fields into a format that can be safely transmitted and stored.
Flag indicating that the user is attempting to switch to the next available 2FA method (e.g., Email, Google Authenticator) after failing to complete or canceling the current verification method (e.g., Roaming 2FA).
This field is primarily used for Robinhood and BinanceInternationalDirect on the DeviceConfirmationPage when a user clicks the "Try Another Way" button. It informs the backend to move to the next MFA method instead of retrying the current one.
, serverFailure
, permissionDenied
, badRequest
, notFound
, conflict
, tooManyRequest
, locked
, unavailableForLegalReasons
A message generated by the API
User-friendly display message that can be presented to the end user
Strictly-typed error type that is explaining the reason of an unsuccessful status of the operation. All possible error types are available in the documentation.