Get authentication schemes
Get authentication schemes of available integrations to perform authentication programmatically (not using the Web Catalog UI).
Contact Mesh to get client Secret
Contact Mesh to get client Id
Type of authentication for the integration.
, oAuth
, apiKey
, blockchainAddress
Set of fields that should be provided depending on the status of the response of the first POST authenticate
The list of all asset balances of account
Cash balance in USD
Buying power of the account. Typically consists of cash plus available margin. For non-margin accounts fund contains cash only
Indicates if this account was already connected by the current user and device. Can be null.
The AuthFlowStep is used to determine which state the authentication is in, for initial requests without MFA verification the value should be LoginPassword and when calling with MFA code it should be MfaFlow (currently used for BinanceInternationalDirect only).
, mfaFlow
, faceVerification
, createAPIKey
, loginQrCode
Life span of the challenge
Id of the challenge, relevant when the status is ChallengeIssued
, email
, totp
, phoneAndEmail
, requireNextSecurityQuestion
, readEmail
, face
, tradingPin
, qrCode
, password
, roaming
, mobile
Qr code used to scan and solve facial verification (currently used for BinanceInternationalDirect only).
Status of the request
, challengeFailed
, succeeded
, challengeIssued
, mfaRequired
, openInBrokerModule
, delayed
, deviceConfirmationRequired
, emailVerification
, emailReceived
, captchaChallenge
, faceVerification
, bindMfaRequired
, apiKeyGenerationError
, qrCodeRequired
, qrCodeExpired
, deviceLoginVerified
, eTrade
, alpaca
, tdAmeritrade
, weBull
, stash
, interactiveBrokers
, public
, coinbase
, kraken
, coinbasePro
, cryptoCom
, openSea
, binanceUs
, gemini
, cryptocurrencyAddress
, cryptocurrencyWallet
, okCoin
, bittrex
, kuCoin
, etoro
, cexIo
, binanceInternational
, bitstamp
, gateIo
, acorns
, okx
, bitFlyer
, coinlist
, huobi
, bitfinex
, deFiWallet
, krakenDirect
, vanguard
, binanceInternationalDirect
, bitfinexDirect
, bybit
, paxos
, coinbasePrime
, btcTurkDirect
, kuCoinDirect
, okxOAuth
, paribuDirect
, robinhoodConnect
, blockchainCom
, bitsoDirect
, binanceConnect
, binanceOAuth
, revolutConnect
, binancePay
, bybitDirect
Set of fields that should be provided in the initial POST authenticate
The list of all asset balances of account
Cash balance in USD
Buying power of the account. Typically consists of cash plus available margin. For non-margin accounts fund contains cash only
Indicates if this account was already connected by the current user and device. Can be null.
The AuthFlowStep is used to determine which state the authentication is in, for initial requests without MFA verification the value should be LoginPassword and when calling with MFA code it should be MfaFlow (currently used for BinanceInternationalDirect only).
, mfaFlow
, faceVerification
, createAPIKey
, loginQrCode
Life span of the challenge
Id of the challenge, relevant when the status is ChallengeIssued
, email
, totp
, phoneAndEmail
, requireNextSecurityQuestion
, readEmail
, face
, tradingPin
, qrCode
, password
, roaming
, mobile
Qr code used to scan and solve facial verification (currently used for BinanceInternationalDirect only).
Status of the request
, challengeFailed
, succeeded
, challengeIssued
, mfaRequired
, openInBrokerModule
, delayed
, deviceConfirmationRequired
, emailVerification
, emailReceived
, captchaChallenge
, faceVerification
, bindMfaRequired
, apiKeyGenerationError
, qrCodeRequired
, qrCodeExpired
, deviceLoginVerified
Optional URL with the instructions explaining how to create a set of API key/secret for the integration, can be shown to the end user.
Supported MFA schemes, can be none or multiple.
, challenge
, deviceConfirmation
, securityQuestion
User-friendly display message that can be presented to the end user
Strictly-typed error type that is explaining the reason of an unsuccessful status of the operation. All possible error types are available in the documentation.
A message generated by the API
, serverFailure
, permissionDenied
, badRequest
, notFound
, conflict
, tooManyRequest
, locked
, unavailableForLegalReasons