Quote transfer
Get a quote for transferring a fiat amount from a brokerage account in a given cryptocurrency over a specified network. Returns min and max fees and amounts to account for different funding sources (existing crypto balance, cash balance or ACH/debit deposit). Currently only supported for Coinbase.
Contact Mesh to get client Secret
Contact Mesh to get client Id
Base amount of fiat currency being transferred
3 character currency code, e.g. USD
Symbol of destination cryptocurrency, e.g. ETH
Unique id of destination network
The designated destination for sending the asset.
The type of the integration to send the asset from
, eTrade
, alpaca
, tdAmeritrade
, weBull
, stash
, interactiveBrokers
, public
, coinbase
, kraken
, coinbasePro
, cryptoCom
, openSea
, binanceUs
, gemini
, cryptocurrencyAddress
, cryptocurrencyWallet
, okCoin
, bittrex
, kuCoin
, etoro
, cexIo
, binanceInternational
, bitstamp
, gateIo
, acorns
, okx
, bitFlyer
, coinlist
, huobi
, bitfinex
, deFiWallet
, krakenDirect
, vanguard
, binanceInternationalDirect
, bitfinexDirect
, bybit
, paxos
, coinbasePrime
, btcTurkDirect
, kuCoinDirect
, okxOAuth
, paribuDirect
, robinhoodConnect
, blockchainCom
, bitsoDirect
, binanceConnect
, binanceOAuth
, revolutConnect
, binancePay
, bybitDirect
, paribuOAuth
Flat fee in crypto to be charged as a partner fee
Percentage of transfer amount to be charged as a partner fee, expressed as decimal (ie 0.1 = 10%)
, serverFailure
, permissionDenied
, badRequest
, notFound
, conflict
, tooManyRequest
, locked
, unavailableForLegalReasons
A message generated by the API
User-friendly display message that can be presented to the end user
Strictly-typed error type that is explaining the reason of an unsuccessful status of the operation. All possible error types are available in the documentation.